Do I need to additionally make a ventilation duct when gas is being sent to the town house?


Good afternoon. I spend gas in a townhouse. The boiler stands in the hallway, where there is a large window 2 x 2 m. + Window 0.7 x 1.5 m. There is a coaxial pipe. Do I need to make another ventilation duct? Thank.

Visitors Comments
  1. Expert
    Alexey Dedyulin

    Hello. For coaxial chimneys, we have very few fuzzy points in SNiPs, PPB and SP, but in fact, it doesn’t matter what kind of chimney you have there, the requirements are the same for the design of boiler rooms.

    The coaxial chimney, of course, has a separate duct for the supply ventilation, but this does not position it as equipment that successfully replaces the required ventilation parameters.

    The project without ventilation is wrapped up for you, as we turn to the regulatory document - SP 60.13330.2012 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Updated edition of SNiP 41-01-2003, paragraph 6.6 Individual heat supply systems.

    We need paragraphs 6.5.8 and 6.6.4, which indicate that in rooms in which gas equipment is installed, there should be mechanical exhaust ventilation and natural or mechanical ventilation. And this does not mean at all that there will be enough ventilation from coaxil, we read 6.6.4, where it is written that it is necessary to provide an external air supply system for burning fuel and general ventilation.

    In general, it is strange that you ask this question. Designing a heat supply system according to TU is carried out by specialists who will definitely advise you on how to do everything correctly. Do not doubt the competence of the masters, they will not advise you bad if the organization is verified.

    Almost all the rules for gas distribution systems regarding consumer safety are reasonable and justified in any case.


