Pipe misalignment - drip lower radiator flange


The lower radiator flange has flowed. When replacing, I drew attention to the mismatch between the center distances of the radiator and the ball valve. Do I understand correctly that metal. are the pipes experiencing excessive stress !?

Visitors Comments
  1. Expert
    Alexey Dedyulin

    Hello. You think correctly, the more the intercenter distances of the ball valve and the radiator do not match, the greater the voltage in the area of ​​the metal connection. In turn, this leads to leakage.

    However, in the photo you attached, these misalignments are not visible. Maybe it’s the matter from the angle or in the photo you just don’t see this. For metal pipes, such errors rarely lead to leakage, especially in the area of ​​the lower radiator flange. Therefore, I propose to replace the winding in the area of ​​the crane and flange. If this does not help, then replace the appropriate items. In 90% of cases, these actions will be enough to fix the problem.

    It is possible that you still need to digest metal pipes, making accurate alignment. For a good specialist, this is not a problem, here is an example of such work.

    Attached photos:


