Questions about paying for gas and the number of gas stoves


Good afternoon. First I will describe the situation, then the question. Private house. We have 3 gas stoves in our territory. Two in the house + one in the summer kitchen. The house is over 60 years old. Recently, gas workers began to come to us and said that it was necessary to cut off one stove. Before, everything was fine.

Now a few questions. Does it matter how many stoves in the house and how many burners if we pay for gas by the meter, and not by the number of stoves or people? And the second - what needs to be done in order to be able to use the third stove? Thank.

Visitors Comments
  1. Expert
    Evgenia Kravchenko

    Hello. How is this happening? Here the gas workers come to you and without documentary justification they say - “cross out your stove from the project, remove it from here”? In general, I’ve been surprised lately how many questions people have in style - “they demand to do this ... do I have the right not to do that”.

    You have the right to receive a written order substantiating the reasons and points for which your equipment does not comply with legislative, recommendatory and binding standards. You do not even just have the right, but MANDATORY - you turn off the stove, which means you change the gas supply project.

    Nobody forbade two stoves in the house (I understood that we are talking about one of the stoves in the house), moreover, we now have gas equipment serviced regularly and regularly. Again, as, for example, in communal apartments, stoves cost 2, or even 3, and this is considered one room.

    Why you may need to remove the gas stove:

    1. Your room does not meet the standards for quadrature, ceiling height, is residential and more.
    2. In the gas supply project, one of the stoves is not.
    3. The life of the equipment has expired or it is malfunctioning (but at the same time they will require replacement of the plate, but not its elimination).
    4. There is a violation of one of the norms - P. 4 art. 17 LCD RF - "Use of the premises is subject to the rights and legitimate interests of citizens living in this premises, neighbors, fire safety, sanitary, environmental and other requirements of the legislation, as well as in accordance with the rules for the use of premises approved by the federal government authorized by the Russian Federation executive authority».

    What can be done if you are required to remove one of the plates:

    1. First, it is imperative to require reasonable explanations about the reason for such a ban, and if you do not find them intelligible, written.
    2. If you are asked to turn off the stove because it is not in the project, go to Gorgaz and get the technical conditions for installing an additional stove, make changes to the gas supply project and install the stove with the help of an authorized specialist.
    3. If you are refused a justification, file a complaint in the name of the head of Gorgaz.

    As far as I know, the current legislation does not limit the number of plates subject to compliance with the gas supply agreement, the project and the relevant technical conditions.
    On the question of “does it play a role”, you need to look at your documents for equipment and a gas supply agreement.


